Rotax engines are the heart and soul of countless motor vehicles, being kart races one of these areas.
The company supplies engines for kart races all over the world, being present in more than 60 championships worldwide.
Rotax has its own custom tailored software for race management (EVA system) designed to be used mainly in desktop & laptop platforms.
PTCreative challenge was to create an App that could be integrated with the EVA System allowing the user to access race information on the smartphone on the fly.
We’ve designed the App with a strong focus on usability and always concerned with the look and feel, making it an easy to use and intuitive product. Initially the App was created having in mind the Grand Finals race management but evolved in version 2 to a broader solution capable of managing any Rotax Kart championship all over the world.
The App allows several functionalities like live timing, live streaming, results, schedules, season calendar, weather conditions, track info, entry list, regulations, etc.However the possibility of sending native real-time race notifications to registered smartphones users is what makes it really shine.
Create an App that could be integrated with the EVA System allowing the user to access race information on the smartphone on the fly.